Section 3 (Our Objectives)

Our Objectives

Towards Empowered Elected Women Leaders In Local Governance

Our strategies and interventions recognise the unique problems that are faced by the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in accessing their rights and entitlements, and we focus on how elected women representatives can exercise their power to address these.

  • Women's Leadership Initiatives

    Women’s Leadership Initiatives

    Promote and support elected women’s leadership in local governance
  • Access to Rights and Entitlements

    Access to Rights and Entitlements

    Ensuring the most marginalised and vulnerable communities in Panchayats can access their rights and entitlements
  • Advocating Women's Empowerment

    Advocating Women’s Empowerment

    Build a national dialogue to advocate for women’s political empowerment
  • Facilitating Learning and Exchange

    Facilitating Learning and Exchange

    Facilitating greater cross learning and exchange across multiple spaces